Roll of Honour

Over the years of our service as an association, we have received several expressions of esteem and confidence of many personalities who have appreciated our work and our help to the spread of Marian devotion. So we wanted to create honorary members to express by an honorary membership card of our association all the esteem and gratitude that we can reciprocate.


Pope Francis


1. Benedetto XVI, pope emeritus

2. Don Mario Motta, ex rector of the Sanctuary of B.V. of Miracles in Corbetta (MI)

3. Msgr. Paolo De Nicolò, titular bishop of Mariana, ex regent of Casa Pontificia

4. Doc. Saverio Petrillo, director of ville pontificie

5. Card. Angelo Scola, arcbishop of Milan

6. Msgr. Mario Delpini, auxiliar bishop of Milan

7. Msgr. Franco Giulio Brambilla, bishop of Novara

8. Card. Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the pontifical council for culture

9. Card. Angelo Bagnasco, archbishop of Genua and president of CEI

10.  Kgt. Pietro Cicchetti, personal driver of Holy Father

11. Card. James Michael Harvey, archpriest of San Paolo fuori le mura

12. Mons. Georg Ganswein, titular archbishop of Urbisaglia, prefect of Casa Pontificia

13.  Fr. Giuseppe Fossati, c.r.s

14.  Msgr. Luciano Monari, bishop of Brescia

15.  Msgr. Secondo Osio, rector of Concesio (BS)

16.  Msgr. Antonio Lanzoni, vice postulator of the cause of canonization of Paul VI

17.  Msgr. Mario Piccinini

18. Col. Christoph Graf, commander of pontifical swiss guard

19.  Doc. Mauro Olivieri, CEO of numismatic and filatelic office in Holy See